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Congenital epilepsy, four years later ...
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The methods used in Institute "Kundawell"

Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga)

Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga) - a method of maintaining health, the ancient Taoist art of perfection of body and spirit. Tao Yin - is health improving gymnastics, the main focus of which is aimed at the emancipation of the body, eliminating deep clamps and as a result, gaining flexibility and mobility.

Tao Yin originated in ancient times and was originally created to maintain health and prevent disease. In the Warring States period, it was very popular, and many physicians of that era have paid great attention to it. Later, Taoism inherited it as a method of cultivation, improvement of body and spirit to achieve longevity. In the seventies of the last century (1972-1974), during archaeological excavations in the cemetery Ma Wangdui around the city of Changsha, were found drawings made on silk with a picture of people doing exercises in the complex Dao Yin.

1. Training of body and spirit.
2. The combination of static and dynamic exercises.
3. Moderate loads.
4. Following the natural laws and principles.

Medicinal properties
With a variety of movements and exercises activates the qi of the body. From the point of view of physiology in the body improves the process of metabolism - gas exchange, digestion, blood circulation, transport of body fluids, excretion of waste and toxins. From a medical point of view, Tao Yin mobilizes internal reserves of the body, actively promote the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Indications for use
In the "Treatise of the Yellow Emperor" Tao Yin is indicated for the treatment of muscle atrophy, cold extremities, excessive heat, cold in the body, diseases of the tendons, shortness of breath, feeling of swelling under the ribs.

Annex: "I Jing Jing" ("The canon of changes in the muscles")

The method of training the muscles and tendons as the prevention and health promotion.

Damo came to China to preach the teachings of the Buddha, and then retired to Sōng Shān Mountain - not far from the Shaolin Monastery, where he spent nine years, contemplating a stone wall in the sitting meditation. Before leaving the Shaolin monastery, Damo left two scrolls, the first was the "The Canon bone marrow washing", the second - "The Canon of changes in the muscles". Regular practice "I Jing Jing" promotes longevity, prevents disease, people of all ages can execute it, both healthy and sick, suffering from chronic diseases.


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